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Completed Three Lessons on CatnClever Early Learning App


CatnClever is a Gates Foundation and other award-winning early childhood (3 to 6 years) learning app designed for multiple cultures and languages that includes basic skills like Math and English as well as social skills in the curriculum. This project funds and tracks progress for learners in low-income communities. To receive this digital badge and tokens, the child has completed the necessary activities and exercises of the first three lessons in their personalized learning curriculum.  For children under the age of twelve, the child’s parent or guardian has full control of any tradable tokens and the digital badge NFT.    Your tax-deductible donation is fully traceable and goes directly to the student through GetSmart Token.  Just follow the QR code on the badge image to see your donation’s progress verified by blockchain!


CatnClever is an early childhood (3 to 6 years) learning app designed for multiple cultures and languages that includes basic skills like Math and English as well as social skills in the curriculum. This project funds and tracks progress for learners in low-income communities. To receive this digital badge and tokens, the child has completed the necessary activities and exercises of the first three lessons in their personalized learning curriculum.  For children under the age of twelve, the child’s parent or guardian has full control of any tradable tokens and the digital badge NFT.

Learn more about CatnClever, an award-winning app, and enroll your child or class here: https://www.catnclever.com/


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